Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My Child Laborer

Noah loves raspberries, and so it seems only fair that he help me plant our newly arrived brambles.  We planted twelve Caroline red raspberries in two rows in the patch of dirt just to the left of Noah - or rather, I dug and placed and backfilled while Noah did things like squeal "a worm! ahhhhhhh!!!"  I'll make a gardener of him, someday.

The reason for the new plants is the demise of the old.  They got some sort of unidentified disease last summer that killed a few plants and made the rest pretty sad looking and unproductive.  I've grubbed most of those out, and will grub out the rest when they come up in the spring.  Perversely, the remaining plants look quite good right now, and are producing a bit, making it very hard to hold to my resolution to take them out.  The buggers are diseased - but do I have the heart to euthanize them?

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