Although this photo makes you wonder, no? I took the photo in the Cedar Ridge farm for a handout I was writing on "How to Harvest," to show people when a veggie was ready to be picked. This eggplant, though, did not make it into the handout. Too ripe for church.
My own garden is also a story of fertility, but of fertility enjoyed by others. The birds got to the breba crop of figs and also ate almost all of the blueberries. Something seems to be getting to the raspberries before I do. But there was a decent crop of peas, and the cukes are coming along now. I pulled all of the garlic, and they were enormous (I should have a photo of the bulbs along side yon eggplant).
It is now very hot and very dry and my interest in the garden has gone as dormant as the grass. It will perk up, though, as the main crop of figs comes in and the oriental lilies bloom next month. At that point the eggplants will no longer be so suggestive, and maybe I will titter less and work more. Maybe.